Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Why is diet so important for someone who has Fatty Liver disease ?

Adjusting your daily diet is the first step to reverse fatty liver disease. Its the easiest first step you can do to move forward and subsequently recover from fatty liver disease.

By knowing which type of food harms your liver, you have a simple plan to first avoid these types of food. Then eating food that benefits the liver which i share in my other topics previously.

Next, you could set out a diet plan to follow. Start off eating leafy green vegetables, i like to eat walnuts, grapefruits, beetroot as well.

Effects of Olive Oil on Liver

Olive oil have shown to have many protective health benefits to our body including our liver. This is due to the nutrients, antioxidants that are contained in olive oil. Not only they help protect our liver, these nutrients are effectively improving the basic functions of the liver.

Reduction in fatty deposits is one of the benefits olive oil has to the liver. Many a times, people dont eat right all the time causing fat deposits to be build up around the liver and also flow within our bloodstream leading fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis and cancer.

Avoid eating or using the following food/ingredients:

- processed food (ham, sausages, canned food)
- soft drinks & fizzy drinks
- fast food (including fried food too)
- Saturated fat and trans fats.

These are the top list of foods which are easily accessible to our daily lives but should be TOTALLY avoided for fatty liver patients.

For me, i take a tablespoon of extra light virgin olive oil daily, first thing in the morning after i wake up.

I personally like cutting up some white and red cabbages, sprinkle a little salt and pepper together with olive oil as the dressing. There we have a health snack.