Monday, November 25, 2013

Let us share about Fatty Liver disease

First of all, you need to consult a doctor for a diagnose. Blood tests, MRI scans are most effectively used for diagnosing fatty liver disease.

I consider fatty liver disease a silent killer in modern times like this. Many often drinking alcohol and partying and not forgetting the delicious food we have in this world that is hard to resist.

Well, fatty liver disease can lead to many other problems to our bodies. Often fatty liver patients experienced fatigue, difficulties in concentrating, fluid retention especially at the ankle area and worst it might lead to liver failure.

Liver being the largest organ in our body might also be enlarged because of fatty liver disease. You might also gain weight and experienced pain in the upper right abdomen area.

I am just sharing information from my own experience together with some others hopefully more people get to learn about this and benefit from my blog postings on how to reverse fatty liver disease.

No one way to cure everyone, but through attempts and different approaches like eating right, exercising we can achieve a much healthier lifestyle.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Eat more Vegetables and proteins

Vegetables provides the important minerals and antioxidants our body needs. In order to reverse fatty liver, eating additional vegetables would be extremely important. I personally recommend green leaf type of vegetables but bean sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower would do great too.

I would also suggest you to eat some onions and garlic which helps with the filtration process.

You can also go for more fruits intake. I think beetroot would be a good. Its cheap and easily available at supermarkets. However, many may not like the beetroot taste. I will touch on Beetroot Liver cleansing in my much later chapters.

Meanwhile, you may eat fruits, vegetables with bright pigments like pumpkins, carrots, coriander and purple cabbage.

Protein is very important to our body especially in liver cleansing. Protein helps keep our blood sugar level stable and reduces hunger and build muscles.  I suggest to eat chicken breast, eggs, nuts and dairy products.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Good Sources of Antioxidants

Some of the good natural food source of antioxidants are

  • broccoli
  • watercress
  • carrots
  • watermelon
  • citrus fruits
  • peas
  • sweet potatoes