Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Drinking enough water for your body

Drinking enough water is very important. Water is about to flush out toxins out of our organs and make sure our throat is moist. When you do not consume enough water, body functions starts to slow down and dehydration occurs.

Any idea how much water you should drink ? well it really depends on the climate you are in. On a hot day, you may need to consume more water than in winter. Drinks like coffee, tea and alcohol are dehydrating hence we do not consider them in daily intake of water.

Some may find water tasteless. Perhaps adding a few slices of cucumber, lemon or even cherry can add to the taste and you drinking water.

Try not to reuse a plastic water bottle for consumption. drinking from plastic bottles are bad for you as they do release toxins into the water. Use a BPA-free water bottle instead for daily use.

Lastly, do make sure you consume vegetables and fruits as these are filled with water as well. They also do have many vitamins which are useful to your body.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

How healthy is your health ?

With all the advanced western medicine and traditional chinese medicine available now, there is a wide range of health care available, from doctors to home remedies. But who really would go visit a doctor when one is healthy ?

How do you know you are sick or feeling unwell ? you may not be aware but your body does. Your body tells you by giving you signs showing you that your body is unwell.

You will be with your body for a lifetime together. When you take care of it, it take cares of you. If you know what i mean. Eat right, exercising and low levels of stress you faced are all some good factors to go along everyday in your life.

Do not ignore any illness or pain your body displays. We all will experience health conditions due to lifestyle and genes.

Once these health conditions have been pinpoint, you can then go through and weigh your treatment options and choose the best approach.

Remember that your health starts with you. You control your body and take care of it everyday. Treat it well.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Fatty Liver ? Are you sure ?

Not sure if you have fatty liver ? There are simple tests at the doctor to help determine if you have fatty liver.

  • Blood test. Go for a blood test to see if the liver enzymes are of normal levels.
  • Ultrasound scan of the abdomen.
These are the two types of test you can consider going for if you think you have fatty liver. 

Fatty Liver is totally reversible !

Although fatty liver condition is now very common in this world but with adjustments to diet habits and lifestyle, fatty liver can be totally reversible. I had said previously post that the liver is the only organ in your body capable of regeneration.

But dont panic just yet. Having a fatty liver is not the end of the world. Its a wake up call for those whom have neglected the food pyramid and eating healthy for a long time. Fatty liver does not occur overnight. It is build up over time and you need time and patience and determination to reverse it.

I am going to guide you along in my website and help you move towards a much healthier lifestyle.